Saturday 1 March 2014

Belated Photo Friday

I thought I'd put up some pics of what we've been up to the last week or so!

This isn't the greatest pic but it shows our price list for the Bond bucks you earn. I used to do a treasure  box and realized how impractical this idea was so now I do more free stuff such as sit with a Friend at lunch,gum chewing pass, 15 min on the computer pass, guest friend for lunch, sit in Ms. Bond's wheely chair for the day and the kids favourite: fun Friday pass where they can purchase a fun gym class of activities of their choice! It takes awhile to save for that one!

These aren't anything new but are some postings in my room for the year!

Helper board rotates each week.

It's important for students to understand the big ideas and themes in various read alouds, here are some of the ones we've done this year!

This is a shot of my smart board, students have been learning about annotating and I asked them to pick two annotations they felt were interesting or important to them. They pulled them from a read aloud we read called A Green Apple by Eve Bunting. I gave them a typed copy of the story to annotate on.They copied two of the annotations on to stickies and then placed them where they fit in terms of reading strategies. We then discussed what was popular and what we need to do to come up with more inferences etc that students didn't choose.  It was an interesting exercise as well of what students perceive as their most interesting annotations.

This is the example of the modelled annotating I did with one of our shared readings. It was cool to see many students attempting after I explained what it was I was doing! It is what we are working on for the next little while. My goal is that by eqao time, students will automatically annotate their readings, helping their comprehension and assist with answering open response questions.

This is our poster our group made from journeys into literacy, there was only four of us but our goal was to make our thinking visible while reading. I realize now I should have taken better close ups!

That's all for now! Have a great weekend!

Kathleen :)